Privacy Policy


Hey, this is a simple static website. It does not track you.

I’m Miko Dela, the owner and operator of this website. This privacy policy outlines how I handle information on this site.

Hosting and Analytics

My website is hosted on Cloudflare. Cloudflare collects some basic data for website analytics and security purposes, like IP addresses and page access times. This data collection doesn’t involve cookies and is not linked to any other data about you. For more details, here’s Cloudflare’s Privacy Policy.

Google Forms, Google Calendar

On some of my pages, I use Google Forms for collecting your queries and Google Calendar for booking appointments. The information you submit is managed according to Google’s privacy practices. You can check out Google’s Privacy Policy for more info. I access this data for business purposes like responding to your queries.

Use of Cookies

My website uses a single cookie to enhance your experience. This cookie remembers your preference for dark mode on the site, so you don’t have to reset it each time you visit. This is a functional cookie and does not track your personal data or browsing habits. It’s solely for the purpose of improving your user experience on my site.

Data Storage and Security

I take the security of any data seriously. Although I don’t store personal data on my website, I ensure any data accessed (like through Google Forms) is handled responsibly and securely. All my accounts use strong passwords with 2FA to prevent any unauthorized access.

Your Rights

As an EU resident, you have rights under the GDPR, like accessing the data I have about you, requesting correction or deletion, and more. If you have any questions or requests, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Changes to This Policy

I might update this policy from time to time. I’ll post any changes on this page.


If you have questions about this privacy policy, you can contact me at [email protected].