
Oh well. It's getting personal.

I’m Miko Dela, an independent filmmaker.

But I didn’t start like this. It was a long way - I studied informatics in Warsaw, and then worked as an engineer for 10 years (5 of which at Google). However, I found that the generous vacation days I was given were never enough for all my creative and social endeavours. I eventually burned out and decided to try something entirely new - after 18 years with camera in hand, I decided to make this my job. Except I wanted to create not just photographs, but movies, independent movies with unusual stories. I learned visual effects in Blender to aid this vision.

If you want to know more, there’s an article about me in the Kulturvision e.V. Online Magazine - it’s in German but you can always see the Google-Translated version.


If you’re interested in collaborating or just want to chat about films and visual effects, I’d love to hear from you! You can reach me at [email protected] or give me a call at +49 151 4610 2488. Whether it’s about a project idea or just sharing experiences, I’m always open to exciting conversations.

I speak fluent English, Russian and Polish, and my German is near-fluent, too. Just in case.